Jennifer Steen Booher

Ogunquit, Maine

My sister and I ran away to Ogunquit a couple of weeks ago, and I got to play tourist in my own state. It was awesome! The company was great (yay, sis!), the weather was idyllic, and the town was adorable. Every morning I woke around seven and went straight out for a long walk along the beach.

 On my way back to meet up with my sister (whose circadian clock runs about two and a half hours later than mine) I stopped at the Bread and Roses Bakery for a chai latte. Wow, those were good – not too sweet, with lots of cardamom. And such nice people, too.

They do have rocks in Ogunquit:

but the star of the town is their incredibly long, sandy beach.
I had lots of company on my walks:
 eiders ducks in the waves,
 periwinkles in the tidepools,
seagulls keeping an eye on me in case I had something edible,
a curious mockingbird inspecting my camera,
 and my sister!

Ogunquit has the tiniest, cutest, most-likely-to-end-up-at-Disneyland harbor I’ve ever seen. Even the signage was quaint. It’s hard to believe that the expensive hotels and summer homes can coexist with working lobster boats (which have really loud engines and start work at the crack of dawn.) I guess they’ve made it work somehow, and good for them!

A few more picturesque buildings:

I’ll close with my two favorite photos from the weekend:
 A Blue Mussel shell in my favorite purply-blue,
and an extremely self-expressed gathering of gulls.

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